Friday 12 June 2020

Follicular Unit Extraction hair transplant

FUE hair transplant stands for Follicular Unit Extraction hair transplant involving the genetic basis that is a very impressive and pure method to grow lost hair. According to research, more than 50% of the average men will be affected by baldness till the age of 50. Therefore, this technique has come as a saviour in present day statistics of baldness. Both women and men can be treated using this procedure but most of the patients are men because of the increasing trend of baldness in them. Along with many of the advancing technologies, this technique has also come forward and is pretty successful in clinical trials. People who are facing problems with their hairline going thinner, limited hair loss, and hair loss on one side of the head can take advantage from this procedure. 
FUE hair transplant follows a specific line of action and each step should be taken with immense care and precise details should be kept in mind. A great success of the procedure depends on the accuracy of following each and every step carefully. The following events take place step by step:
·      The samples of the patient's own hair follicles are collected as grafts. For this the surgeon uses some tools to relax the pores so that the patient experiences minimum pain. These are most frequently taken from that part of the scalp which is better genetically and hair growth isn't already affected there.
·      Some apertures are made in the patient's skin which may be broadened so that the collected follicles may get implanted in them.  These are made in the area where desired new hair is needed to grow. This is the step which needs an immense amount of professionalism and experience. It's another kind of hair follicle harvesting.
·      Punctures are made in the bald area and follicles are placed there on micro level. For this, the grafts should be done very carefully because it can lead to further disorientation of the hair follicles.
·      After that, there is a process of healing in which the scalp is prevented from any kind of excessive heat or cold or injury for some time. The new hair starts to grow in a few months and the transplant is completed.

·      FUE hair Transplant is one of the treatments in which there is no visible scarring on the skin because the holes made are on a micro level. It helps to attain the desired volume of hair by covering the bald areas of head with the newly implanted hair which were previously extracted.
·      It places the hair where they are needed and lessen their density on the already grown regions where they can grow easily afterwards.
·      It causes minimum pain during and after the procedure and keeps the patient's comfort level.
·      It helps to regain the lost confidence and satisfaction that is often lacked by the bald people. They feel more fulfilled and are seen to perform better in their everyday lives.
Thus, FUE hair transplant is an effective and reliable technique for regaining the lost hair and their volume with minimum pain and scarring. Many modern technologies are being added to it to make it even better so that more patients can get benefit from this amazing technique. If you want to get more detail regarding surgeon’s qualification and capability or latest hair restoration technique in Lahore , one may click and read

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