Sunday 5 December 2021

Hair Transplant in Lahore: Procedure, Recovery Complications and Outlook


Hair transplantation involves the removal of hair from a balding area of the head by a plastic or dermatological surgeon. Surgery typically involves moving hair from the back or side of the head to the front or top of the head.

Under local anesthesia, a hair transplant typically takes place in a doctor's office. Most hair loss occurs as a result of pattern baldness. Genetics plays a role in this.

Is there a difference between the types of hair transplants?

Transplants can be performed using slit grafts or micro grafts. A slit graft contains between four and ten hairs. A micro graft contains one to two hairs per graft, depending on how much coverage is needed.

In what ways do hair transplants work?

Using local anesthesia in hair transplant in Lahore, a surgeon uses a small needle to numb an area of your head after cleaning your scalp thoroughly.

For follicle transplantation, there are two main techniques: FUT and FUE. An incision is made at the back of the head and a strip of scalp skin is removed using a scalpel during follicular unit transplantation (FUT). A few inches of incision are usually made.

Stitches are used to close the hole. A surgical knife and magnifying lens are used to separate the scalp into small sections. Embedded in the scalp, these sections will help create a natural appearance.

Through hundreds to thousands of tiny punch incisions, follicular unit extraction (FUE) removes individual hair follicles from the back of the head.

In the area of your scalp that will receive the hair transplant, the surgeon makes tiny holes with a blade or needle. These holes are then filled with hairs. Several hundred or even thousands of hairs can be transplanted during one treatment.

For the next few days, your scalp will be covered with gauze, bandages, or grafts. Most hair transplant sessions last four hours or longer. Ten days after surgery, you will be able to remove your stitches.

Up to four treatments may be required to achieve the desired full head of hair. The treatments are separated by several months to allow each transplant to heal completely. Consult best hair transplant surgeon Lahore Pakistan to have successful results.

How long does it take for a hair transplant to take effect?

Following hair loss treatment Lahore Pakistan, your scalp may be sore, and you may need to take medication, such as pain medications, antibiotics to prevent infection, and anti-inflammatory medications to prevent swelling.

Several days after surgery, most people can return to work. Hair transplant cost Lahore Pakistan falls between Rs 80,000-Rs 90,000.

Two to three weeks after the transplant procedure, the transplanted hair falls out. New growth occurs as a result. Eight to twelve months after surgery, most people will see some degree of new hair growth.

How does the long-term outlook look?

When a person has a hair transplant, the transplanted area of their scalp continues to grow hair.

Depending on the laxity or looseness of your scalp skin, the density of follicles in the transplanted area, the quality of the hair, and the curl of the hair, the new hair may appear more or less dense.

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