Tuesday 13 April 2021

Types of Hair restoration surgery in Lahore


Hair restoration surgery is amongst the most popular cosmetic procedures of our time. With advancements in medical technologies, it has become readily available for everyone and everywhere. As the name suggests, it is a procedure in which lost hair is restored by a certified surgeon or medical professional. Usually, hair is taken from the back or side of one's head. To reduce the pain of the procedure, anesthesia is used. Medical clinics offering hair transplant services have sprung up everywhere thanks to the commercialization of transplant technologies. Moreover, there's an increased number of people getting qualified in the specific discipline hence providing a deluge of options for people to choose from. Baldness, of course, is the reason why people get hair transplanted. And there are several reasons for baldness that range from what one eats to the medicine one takes. Also, genetics are the prime reasons why it happens.

Types of Surgery

The two well-reputed types of hair restoration surgery are micro grafts and slit grafts. As the name clears, micro grafts mean grafting less hair, usually no more than 2 hairs. On the other hand, slit grafts allow the grafting of 4 to 10 hairs. Micro grafts require a lot of attention and hard work since a large number of mini transplants have to be performed on the scalp.

Transplant Techniques

The two most popular techniques are Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). Their names make it evident that they have some differences between them. Let's explore them in detail.

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)

There's a hint of how this surgery is performed in its name. The surgeon cuts a strip or unit of scalp from the back of one's head. This strip can be a few inches long. This results in a minor injury but it is dealt with by stitches. The next step after strip removal involves cutting the scalp strip into several smaller units with the help of a magnifying glass. These smaller units are then implanted from where new hair starts growing after a certain period.

Follicular Hair Extraction (FUE)

This technique differs from Follicular Hair Transplantation (FUT) in the sense that in this the surgeon extracts single hair units separately from the back of the head. This is done through small incisions in the place where hair has to be grafted. Tiny holes are made with the help of a needle and hair is put in those holes one by one. Since it is a more time-consuming procedure due to individual hair transplantation, it could be divided into different sessions if the hair loss has been excessive and a large area has to be covered. Otherwise, surgeons are capable of grafting hundreds and thousands of hair per session.

The Recovery Period

Just like every other medical procedure or surgery, for hair restoration surgery there is a following period of recovery as well. Since the scalp is cut for grafting hair, sometime is needed for proper recovery and healing. The recovery process is aided by certain medication that helps with inflammation, swelling, and pain. After several days, people can start doing their day-to-day tasks. The transplanted hair starts falling after two or three weeks. But there is no need to worry. Once that hair falls, new hair starts growing. Some people could start seeing them within a short period, while for others it might take 8-12 months.

Possible Complications

Although hair transplant surgery in Pakistan has come a long way and has become much safer than it was once, there still might be some complications resulting from the procedure. Since the scalp is cut, and different people have different types of skin, it might lead to infection, bleeding, itching, crust formation where the hair is grafted or removed, etc. But all of these problems can be controlled and kept at bay by following guidelines by the surgeon and taking medication properly.

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